What Parents Need to Know About Gen Z as Digital Natives

My recent conversation with David Kinnaman of the Barna Group about GEN Z

As parents and those who care about teenagers, what do we need to know about Gen Z as Digital Natives?

Over the past 18 months, I have had the privilege of leading our GEN Z study at Impact 360 Institute with the wonderful team at the Barna Group and David Kinnaman. The research findings are about to be released. (Sign up to watch the free Livestream here).

This will be the most comprehensive research to date on the worldview, attitudes, beliefs, spiritual and moral views, and cultural impact of Gen Z (the generation after Millenials). I have been writing about these issues and how to train students to build a lasting faith (Get your teenager ready). It’s what I wake up thinking about each day.

From the focus groups to the research design, it has been a fascinating experience! If you have a middle schooler or high schooler right now then they are a part of GEN Z. As parents, you will want to know what the world (and worldview) of the next generation is shaping up to be and what that means for how you parent your kids in today’s culture.

Here is just a short video conversation I had with David Kinnaman as we get ready to launch this research.

Check out these awesome, life-changing experiences for your teenagers!

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3 Social Media Challenges Every Parent Needs To Help Their Teenager Navigate

And the 3 Key Questions to Ask...

Can you imagine a world without social media? No Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. It’s hard right?

The reality is that while Social Media has profoundly shaped us as adults, it is completely reinventing what it means to come of age as a teenager.

As someone who has the privilege of teaching and mentoring students in the areas of Biblical worldview, apologetics, and culture, I get a front row seat to the opportunities and challenges facing our young people.

The irony is we are a culture that longs for connection and intimacy, but we hide behind our devices because they give us the illusion of control. We are afraid of being known.

So as the social media revolution continues, we need to (more…)

Why Today’s Teenagers Are Afraid to Make Mistakes

How Social Media Has Changed the Game for High School and College Students

Life as a teenager can be a pressure cooker. Am I good enough? Do I measure up? Am I cool enough? Did my post on Instagram get over 100 likes? Am I smart enough? Are mom and dad pleased with me? What am I going to do with my life? Teenagers are often overwhelmed today.

Teenagers on the brink of college life face all the same insecurities we all did. But there is something very different about the challenges they face today.

On more than one occasion I have thought to myself that I am SO glad that social media didn’t exist when I was navigating my high school and college years.

It was hard enough without everyone watching and offering commentary on my life. Can I get an “Amen”?

There is a fascinating article over at the Atlantic by Conor Friedersdorf  “Were College Students Better Off Before Social Media?”

There is much in this article worth reflecting on if you have or care about teenagers, but the insight that really caught my attention was this:

“I wonder if the cost of making mistakes now feels too high to risk them as often.”

Why? Because (more…)

3 Lies Students Believe About Freedom That Will Ruin Their Lives

Our culture worships freedom. The only problem is that real freedom doesn’t mean what most people think it means. And the next generation of students are paying the price because they are being robbed of the life they are really after.

True happiness–“flourishing”–is only possible if students are able to break free from the lies and embrace genuine freedom.

3 Lies Students Believe About Freedom

(1) My choices only affect me. “You can do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt someone.” This slogan is everywhere! Our culture perpetuates this lie but you need to know there are several fatal flaws with this way of thinking. First and foremost it (more…)

The Number One Human Rights Issue Of Our Day

Sometimes it takes something shocking to wake people up. That happened and is hopefully happening more and more each day as people see the despicable and callous video involving planned parenthood about selling the body parts of aborted unborn human babies.

In a chilling image senior director of medical research for planned parenthood, Deborah Nucatola, swirls her wine, crunches on a salad and discusses crushing babies in a way that preserves profitable body parts intact. USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers’ comments are spot on:

“This is stomach-turning stuff. But the problem here is not one of tone. It’s the crushing. It’s the organ harvesting of fetuses that abortion-rights activists want us to believe have no more moral value than a fingernail. It’s the lie that these are not human beings worthy of protection. There is no nice way to talk about this. As my friend and former Obama White House staffer Michael Wear tweeted, “It should bother us as a society that we have use for aborted human organs, but not the baby that provides them.”

Read Powers full article here.

Over a million unborn human beings are crushed and dismembered each year in America. Something is very wrong. My prayer is that people would be awakened to the number one human rights issue of our day. The systematic extermination of unborn human beings is bad enough. But to commodify their body parts? To profit from their pain?

Have the Courage to Respectfully and Courageously Stand for the Unborn

Where should you start? Watch this video by Scott Klusendorf on how to make the case for the unborn with science and philosophy (not the Bible says so) in our post-Christian culture. Then share this post and video with others.

How to Make the Case for Life in a Post-Christian Culture with Scott Klusendorf (Impact 360 Institute) from Impact360 on Vimeo.

This isn’t a political issue…this is a human rights issue. 

Stand for human life. Stop planned parenthood. Prepare yourself to engage.

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A quick response to the “who are you to judge” objection.

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