3 Social Media Challenges Every Parent Needs To Help Their Teenager Navigate

And the 3 Key Questions to Ask...

Can you imagine a world without social media? No Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. It’s hard right?

The reality is that while Social Media has profoundly shaped us as adults, it is completely reinventing what it means to come of age as a teenager.

As someone who has the privilege of teaching and mentoring students in the areas of Biblical worldview, apologetics, and culture, I get a front row seat to the opportunities and challenges facing our young people.

The irony is we are a culture that longs for connection and intimacy, but we hide behind our devices because they give us the illusion of control. We are afraid of being known.

So as the social media revolution continues, we need to be ready as moms and dads to help our teenagers navigate it.

As you have conversations about the digital universe we now inhabit, here are three challenges teenagers need to be aware of and a question that will help them evaluate how to make a wiser choice:

(1) Teenagers now have digital footprints that will follow them all of their lives. Unwise decisions posted online could affect future jobs, relationships, and families. Here are my 3 golden rules of social media engagement: First, think twice before posting once. Second, never respond to criticism right away. And third, if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online.

Key Question: Have you seen any posts made by your friends you think they will be embarrassed about and regret a year from now? 5 years from now? Why?

(2) We are a distracted culture. Social media keeps us superficially engaged and overwhelmed by data, opinions, and information. We have largely lost the capacity to sit still, be quiet and reflect without having to check and see what we have missed. The fear of missing out (FOMO) is real.

Key Question: Do you find that you are more or less content after you view social media? Why do you think this is? Is this good for you?

(3) Teenagers will have to… (read the rest of the article)

Parents, are you ready to help your teenager build a lasting faith?

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