#9: Where Do Human Rights Come From? [Podcast]

Where do human rights come from?

You may have noticed that everyone is not the same. Look around your classroom, workplace, or on social media and you quickly realize that people are, well, different…Men, women, big, small, different cultures and ethnic backgrounds—we don’t have equal abilities, power, talents, strengths, or intellect.

So why treat everyone the same if we’ re not?

It has to be something more than “we agree” or “we took a vote” that everyone is equally valuable because all it takes is for someone to disagree or take a new vote and equality goes out the window.

Everyone wants human rights, but they require a foundation. You can’t just pull them out of thin air.

If there is no God—as atheism teaches—then there is no ultimate foundation for human equality, dignity, and rights.

But the Bible in Genesis 1:27 teaches that all human beings are made in God’s image. From the unborn to the elderly, we are valuable as humans because of who we are, not what we can or can’t do.

One of the greatest gifts the Christian worldview has given the world is the belief that all humans are special and intrinsically valuable because God created them.

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