Christianity is not just about believing in Jesus

Before you get nervous, the key word in that claim is “just” (not just about getting in to heaven when we die). I’m convinced that if Christianity is actually true (and I think there are good reasons to think this), then it speaks to all of life. Here’s a short video where Chuck Colson unpacks this important concept on his weekly two-minute warning at breakpoint.


If you are looking to go deeper in exploring how all of life is connected and how our Christian worldview impacts all of life, then you will really enjoy my new book, Think Christianly: Looking at the Intersection of Faith and Culture. Chuck Colson was kind enough to provide this endorsement:

“As someone who has devoted many years of ministry to teaching Christian worldview. I am thrilled to see dynamic and faithful worldview leaders like Jonathan Morrow stepping to the fore. Think Christianly, in a compelling and accessible way, equips Christians young and old to engage the culture winsomely, intelligently, and with confidence.”

Are you ready to engage?

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow