Parents: Are You Plugged-In Online?

Do you know what your kids, preteens, and teens are watching, texting, and sharing online? At the movies? Listening to? Now you can with minimal effort each week by visiting a very helpful website called “Plugged-In.” where you will find reviews of the latest video games, music, shows, and movies. They have an iPhone and Droid app and there is also a new book out called Plugged-IN Parenting: How to Raise Media-Savvy Kids with Love, Not War by Bob Waliszewski.

Parents: Are there any technology / media boundaries in place? Any accountability? Have you said no to any movies this summer? Yes there will be conflict with your children as you discuss what media is worth consuming and what isn’t and why you need all of their social media usernames and passwords etc.; but what’s the alternative? Allowing your child to be mindlessly shaped by a culture that is embedded with ideas and images that lead them AWAY from life with God? We need to reject passivity and engage! There are great resources available to help you, Plugged In is one of the best. For filtering and internet accountability sites Bsecure and Covenant Eyes are great options. I am not supporting running for the hills and saying no to all technology etc., but we must be active in our media consumption and learn to think Christianly about our entertainment choices and then teach our kids to do the same.
Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow