Iranian Rally Is Dispersed as Voting Errors Are Admitted

These are interesting times globally, and thanks to Twitter and social networking; the emerging generation in Iran is making their voice heard (in the face of oppression and violence). We take for granted the right to assemble and protest in america. And I think America and President Obama should be more forthcoming in their encouragement of these young Iranians who are seeking freedom and a representative form of government.

Here is the latest in a New York Times article.
Our prayers are for peace and for justice.

New Hampshire legalizes gay marriage

“New Hampshire on Wednesday became the sixth U.S. state to authorize gay marriage, deepening a New England niche for same-sex weddings and the spending that comes with them.” (more from article)

How do you go about thinking about the issue of gay marriage and homosexuality?

here is a previous blog with some thoughts and links.

Also, there is a forthcoming book, The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality, which looks very promising as well….

(from amazon) Product Description

One of the hot–button issues of our day is fully addressed in this comprehensive new resource on homosexuality. This well–researched and highly readable guide is the perfect go–to manual for families, church workers, counselors, pastors, civic leaders, schools, and those who themselves struggle with same–sex attraction.

Readers will find the answers to these and many more important questions:

  • What is homosexuality?
  • Is the tendency for homosexuality genetic?
  • How should the church respond?
  • What’s the proper response when a relative or friend announces they’re gay?
  • What are the legal and civic ramifications of homosexuality?
  • Should homosexuals serve openly in the military?
  • What about gay marriage and adoption?

Authoritative authors Joe Dallas (Desires in Conflict, When Homosexuality Hits Home) and Dr. Nancy Heche (The Truth Comes Out) tackle the hard questions about same–sex attraction in this helpful volume.

Another helpful book is God’s Grace and the Homosexual Next Door: Reaching the Heart of the Gay Men and Women in Your World by Alan Chambers

Has Christian America Come to an End?

Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church responds to Newsweek.

“Has Christian America come to an end? That question has been hotly debated since Newsweek published their recent feature story reporting that the number of Americans claiming no religious affiliation has nearly doubled since 1990. Additionally, the percentage of self-identified Christians has dropped ten points in the past two decades.

As an evangelical pastor with one of America’s fastest-growing churches in one of its least churched cities, I do not find the report surprising or discouraging. Newsweek missed the subtle — but vital — difference between Christian America and Christendom America.” (read on…)

More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice” for First Time

The majority of Americans are pro-life. The current president is the most pro-abortion president in history…

A new Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, finds 51% of Americans calling themselves “pro-life” on the issue of abortion and 42% “pro-choice.” This is the first time a majority of U.S. adults have identified themselves as pro-life since Gallup began asking this question in 1995. Also, fewer think abortion should be legal “under any circumstances.”

(read more)