How Do We Know That Jesus Is Who He Claimed To Be? – Jonathan Morrow (Video)

This is the central issue when it comes to examining the claims of Christianity. Here are 2 powerful reasons that support Jesus’s radical claims.

Here is a link to the Think Christianly podcast with a talk I did on the historical evidence for the resurrection that goes into more detail.
I have a chapter on it here:

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

More Compelling Evidence For Intelligent Design…

I highly recommend this truly remarkable documentary exploring the breathtaking beauty and design of butterflies. Here is the video preview and product description of Metamorphosis (available on Blue Ray and DVD):

“Throughout history butterflies have fascinated artists and philosophers, scientists and schoolchildren with their profound mystery and beauty. In Metamorphosis you will explore their remarkable world as few ever have before. Spectacular photography, computer animation and magnetic resonance imaging open once hidden doors to every stage of a butterfly’s life-cycle. From an egg the size of a pinhead to a magnificent flying insect. It is a transformation so incredible biologists have called it “butterfly magic.” The superbly engineered body of a butterfly is magnified hundreds of times to reveal compound eyes made of thousands of individual lenses, wings covered with microscopic solar panels that warm the insect’s muscles for flight, and navigational systems that unerringly guide Monarch butterflies on their annual migration from Canada to Mexico. How did these extraordinary creatures come into being? Are they the products of a blind, undirected process? Or, were they designed by an intelligence that transcends the material world? Filmed in the rain forests of Ecuador, Mexico’s Trans-Volcanic mountain range, and leading research centers, Metamorphosis is an unforgettable documentary filled with the joys of discovery and wonder.”

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

Everyone answers the question of God and every answer matters

Mortimer Adler wisely observed that “More consequences for thought and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question. They follow for those who regard the question as answerable only by faith or only by reason, and even for those who insist upon suspending judgment entirely.”

The question of God is no mere ivory tower proposition! It works its way down into all the crevices of thought and life. The evidence for God, contrary to what you may have heard, is actually quite strong. Have you ever rationally considered it? Do your students have more than just a “blind faith and love Jesus” approach to the Christian life? It is critical that we understand that faith in God is a reasonable position to hold and help the next generation come to understand this. The stakes are way too high.

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

The impact of Darwin is not limited to biology

Check out Marvin Olasky’s article about why when it comes to Darwin, the influence of evolutionary thinking reaches far beyond biology. The bottom line: Daniel Dennett in Darwin’s Dangerous Idea hit it right…Darwin created a “universal acid” that eats through any “meaning coming from on high.”

Read the rest here