Asking the Hard Questions About the Bible

All of us have questions about the Bible. At the end of the day, what we have to figure out is what we will do with those questions.

Will we keep them hidden and allow unanswered questions to slowly erode our confidence that God has spoken? Or will we courageously question the Bible in a way that actually builds our faith?


Is Something “More” True Because its in the Bible?

As Christians we sometimes do things that don’t help our cause.

Sure, they are done from good intentions and with a sincere heart. But they actually take our legs out from under us in the long run.

Sometimes this happens with the way Christians talk about truth. Unfortunately we can be too spiritual for our own good. Let me explain what I mean.

2 Dead Ends

There are two versions of how this plays out in our assumptions or conversations:

(1) Only the Bible gives us truth.

(2) Truth derived from the Bible is in a unique category.

Regarding (1) Only the Bible gives us truth. This is clearly false. There is general and special revelation.

bibleTo claim that the Bible is wholly true and without error does not entail that only the Bible gives us truth. I can learn truths about the city of Jericho from the book of Joshua and also other ancient historians / archaeologists.

The Bible does not reveal the elements of the periodic table. These are truths I can discover from outside the Bible.

Regarding (2) Only the Bible gives us truth. I like to ask a question which makes this clearer: Which statement is more true?

a.) Water is H20

b.) Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead

It’s not a trick question. Truth is not a “degreed” property. Meaning that you either have it or you don’t. Either a belief or statement corresponds to reality or it doesn’t. Period.

Whether that is in a laboratory or a ancient document, the standard is the same. Does the claim math up with reality? We must push through that little tug in our hearts and minds that wants us to put the Bible in a different category.

Truth is Truth

Authority is a different question because some sources are more authoritative than others. But truth is a “univocal” term. Whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu or an Atheist…Truth is truth. Why? Because it deals with reality.

As Christians we think that faith is rooted in history (cf 1 Cor. 15). We believe that the evidence best supports the Christian worldview. So we don’t need to put the Bible in a different category.

In fact it increases our credibility when we don’t have special rules when it comes to religion or spirituality. A level playing field is an opportunity for Christianity to really shine.

That’s why we need to define our terms like “faith” very carefully and admit that it’s possible that Christianity could be false (though I think there are very strong reasons to think it is true).

So no, something is not more true because it’s in the Bible. And it’s certainly not “unspiritual” to say this out loud.

If you found this post helpful, you would enjoy How to Respond to the “That’s Just Your Interpretation” Objection

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What Does Walking By Faith Look Like?

As important as an act of faith is at a point in time, the Christian life is a walk of faith—continuing acts of obedience. Sometimes the notion of “blind faith” creeps into our understanding of walking by faith as well. Didn’t Paul say that “we live by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7)? He did, but as David Clark explains,

“this means only that at times a Christian may rightly allow faith, in the sense of trust in God, to guide his thinking even though he has no direct evidence. For instance, if I trust my friend and he says he will do something for me, I may rightly believe he will do it, even when I lack direct evidence what he will fulfill his promise. . . . Loyalty and allegiance, based partly on past experience, may rightly guide my thinking and acting.”

This same sentiment is expressed in Hebrews 11 where these courageous men and woman did not allow their circumstances to have the final word. Rather, they continued to look forward to what had been promised with hope and trust.

Faith in this context is a confident expectation in the promises and faithfulness of God. This is what it means for the righteous to live by faith (Rom. 1:17). We trust God even in the midst of difficult times because He is faithful. We trust Him even when the fog of life rolls in making it difficult to see the way forward. This is the kind of faith God is pleased with (Heb. 11:6).

God give us the courage to trust you in the midst of what we don’t understand. Thank you for your past faithfulness that we can lean into in the every day circumstances of life.

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If you found this post helpful, you would enjoy “Should Christians Have Doubts?”

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Should Christians Be For Or Against Culture?

When speaking on the topic of faith and culture, I usually begin with a pop quiz. I ask people to turn to the person sitting next to them and see if they can come up with a definition of culture, and then decide whether Christians should be for or against it. As you can probably guess, the responses are all over the map. By the way, how would you answer those two questions?

Why is this? Well, to be honest, culture may be one of the hardest words to define in the English language because it is used in many different ways. But if we don’t have a clear picture of what culture is, then it becomes extremely difficult to determine what Christianity’s relationship to it ought to be.

In short, we need a robust theology and philosophy of culture that we can understand and then communicate to those around us. In this post, I want to unpack and clarify some concepts that will be essential to establishing our biblical basis for engaging culture.

Culture is as old as humankind is, but the word derives from the Latin cultura and colere, which describe the tending or cultivating of something, typically soil and livestock. In the eighteenth century, it would come to apply to the cultivation of ideas (education) and customs (manners). Then there are sociological and anthropological definitions, which are helpful in their own way but involve hard- to-remember phrases such as “transmitted and inherited patterns and symbols.”

CultureTheologian Kevin Vanhoozer suggests:

“Culture is the environment and atmosphere in which we live and breathe with others.”

That’s good.

Philosopher Garry DeWeese helpfully unpacks this concept a bit more by defining culture as a

“shared system of stories and symbols, beliefs and values, traditions and practices, and the media of communication that unite a people synchronically (at a given time) and diachronically (through history).”

The most transferable way I have found to summarize what culture is comes from Andy Crouch: “Culture is what people make of the world.” In other words, people interact and organize while taking all the raw materials of planet Earth and doing something with them.

This covers everything from microchips to BBQ, computers to cathedrals, music composition to the development of law and government, city planning to education, and entertainment to Facebook. How people communicate, work, travel, order their familial and societal lives, and create technology are all artifacts of culture. And since Christians are people too, we are necessarily involved in the creation of culture. There is no such thing as a culture-free Christianity.

So we clearly can’t be against culture in this sense because Christians, as part of humanity, were given the mandate (in Genesis 1:27 – 28) to make something of the world.

I will have more to say on this in the days and weeks ahead as we explore what it means for us to live faithfully in a post-Christian culture.

How do you think Christians should relate to culture? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.

Would you like to explore the relationship of Christianity and Culture further? I have written more in depth on that here.

If you enjoyed this post, then you would like 8 Things Christians Must Understand About Our Cultural Moment.

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