Has the Earliest Manuscript of the New Testament Discovered?

New Testament scholar Dan Wallace weighs in on this:

“On 1 February 2012, I debated Bart Ehrman at UNC Chapel Hill on whether we have the wording of the original New Testament today. This was our third such debate, and it was before a crowd of more than 1000 people. I mentioned that seven New Testament papyri had recently been discovered—six of them probably from the second century and one of them probably from the first. These fragments will be published in about a year.

These manuscripts now increase our holdings as follows: we have as many as eighteen New Testament manuscripts (all fragmentary, more or less) from the second century and one from the first. Altogether, more than 40% of all New Testament verses are found in these manuscripts. But the most interesting thing is the first-century fragment.

It was dated by one of the world’s leading paleographers. He said he was ‘certain’ that it was from the first century. If this is true, it would be the oldest fragment of the New Testament known to exist. Up until now, no one has discovered any first-century manuscripts of the New Testament. The oldest manuscript of the New Testament has been P52, a small fragment from John’s Gospel, dated to the first half of the second century. It was discovered in 1934. Not only this, but…” (read the rest)

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

How Do We Know That Jesus Is Who He Claimed To Be? – Jonathan Morrow (Video)

This is the central issue when it comes to examining the claims of Christianity. Here are 2 powerful reasons that support Jesus’s radical claims.

Here is a link to the Think Christianly podcast with a talk I did on the historical evidence for the resurrection that goes into more detail.
I have a chapter on it here:

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

Bart Ehrman and Darrell Bock Debate the Authorship of the Early Writings of the New Testament on Unbelievable (Audio)

“Skeptical Bible scholar Bart Ehrman’s latest book “Forged” claims that many of the writings of the New Testament are falsely attributed to apostles such as Peter and Paul. He claims that they were not written by them and that a deliberate deception was taking place. Darrell Bock of Dallas Theological Seminary responds, saying that the case for forgery is not as conclusive as Bart claims. They examine the evidence for whether 1 and 2 Peter were written by Peter as well as letters attributed to Paul such as Ephesians and 2 Thessolonians.” (Unbelievable Radio)

Listen here

Also, see The Ehrman Project for videos and articles.
An important review of Forged by Dr. Kruger, click here.
Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow

Before we had an “official Bible” what and who determined sound doctrine? (video)

This is a very important question. Here is a video in which New Testament scholar Darrell Bock offers a succinct and historically sound answer.

For more, see Bock’s excellent work, The Missing Gospels.

See also, The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How Contemporary Culture’s Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity

Think Christianly with Jonathan Morrow