Why Does Truth Matter?

“Truth yields life. If we are sailors lost at sea, we need true north. If we’re branches on tree hoping to bear fruit, which we are, we need connection to a true vine. Truth tells us where we are, who we are, to whom we belong, and the real story in which we can fully live. It seems to me that our American culture, in its present condition, is both lost and starving for truth, and therefore vulnerable to the deception of power politics, marketing schemes, and politically correct slogans of professors, politicians, and media that often lead to the death of the soul and the body. Lies lead to death and a culture of death, but the truth sets people free for life.”—Kelley Monroe Kullberg

See also, John 8:31-32.

Is the Bible True?

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15th Anniversary Edition of Love Your God with All Your Mind by JP Moreland

There are few books that have been more impactful on my Christian life than Love Your God with All Your Mind by J.P. Moreland. I also had the privilege of studying philosophy of religion and ethics under JP (along with the other excellent faculty at Talbot School of Theology / Biola University). He is one of the most thoughtful and encouraging people I have ever met and his passion for Christ is contagious. He has a message that every Christian desperately needs to hear.

Moreland has recently released the 15th anniversary edition (the Amazon Kindle edition is only $2.99!) and the updated portions make a must read even more impressive.

(About the Book) “Love Your God with All Your Mind explains the importance of using your mind not only to win others to Christ but also to experience personal spiritual growth. Author J. P. Moreland challenges you to use logic to further God’s kingdom through evangelism, apologetics, worship, and vocation.

This revised edition includes expanded appendices and three new chapters that outline how to argue for the reality of God and the historicity of Jesus’ life teachings, death, and resurrection.”

Read this book and invite others to do the same. Christians are called to a thoughtful faith and there is no better book out there that models and teaches this as well. Buy. Read. and Grow!

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Resisting the Spirit of the World at Our Cultural Intersection

Paul wrote to the Colossians, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ” (Colossians 2:8). This is not a blanket condemnation of philosophy, but rather philosophy based on human reason alone. Ideas can captivate and capture us if we are not careful. Furthermore, we must “no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4:14). Our adversary is clever, and he brings the battle to us in different ways in different generations. As Francis Schaefer prophetically reminds us, “The Christian must resist the spirit of the world in the form it takes in his own generation.”

There are idea systems today that are neutralizing the effectiveness of the church. Two of the most corrosive idea systems being perpetuated by the world system are naturalism and hedonism. If the physical universe is all there is, there is no room for God. Christianity is then false by definition. If humans exist only to satisfy their desires and live only for their own pleasure, then life with God becomes practically impossible. Who will passionately engage with the gospel if we are conditioned to think that the supernatural is for fairy tales and that all of our time, energy, money, and resources are devoted to the pursuit of more stuff? Our cultural intersection requires a specific response, and Christians need to be equipped to resist the spirit of the world system as we engage the world God loves.

Here is a place to start preparing to engage well:

Only Science Can Save Us?

“Beloved for his Narnian tales for children and his books of Christian apologetics for adults, best-selling British writer C.S. Lewis also was a perceptive critic of the growing power of scientism in modern society, the misguided effort to apply science to areas outside its proper bounds.

In a new book, The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society edited by CSC Senior Fellow John West, contemporary writers probe Lewis’s prophetic warnings about the dehumanizing impact of scientism. The CSC has also produced a short documentary film, The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Challenge of Scientism, which highlights some of the themes developed in the book.”

Coming this fall…

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