The Best Question Ever….Really

When i first came across the title of a book by Andy Stanley called the Best Question Ever a year ago, obviously I thought this was marketing hype. But then I read it and watched the DVD’s and listened to him teach on this material. I then repented.

I think it could be the best question ever–especially if you are trying to figure out what God’s will is for your life. Based on Ephesians 5:15-16, the issue is not is there a verse against it…or is it legal…or even if there is anything wrong with it…but is it wise?
This easily makes it on my list of every Christian–especially teenager–should be exposed to this principle and question. I recently facilitated a 2 part study on this at our church and the feedback was excellent.
Here are links to the book. You can start “foolproofing” your life, time, morality, and decision making if you will begin applying this question to every decision you make.